
Iris Murdoch: A Writer’s Life

Bishop Otter Campus, University of Chichester

An exhibition displaying items from the Iris Murdoch Collections (Kingston University Archives) to mark the fifth anniversary of the Iris Murdoch Research Centre at the University of Chichester

The Tenth International Iris Murdoch Conference: Place and Space

Cloisters, Bishop Otter Campus

The Tenth International Conference on Iris Murdoch will take place at the University of Chichester in 2022. The conference will showcase ongoing, and published, Murdoch scholarship with a particular focus on Place and Space.

£150.00 – £190.00

Conference Gala Meal

Join us as we celebrate the end of a wonderful conference in Chichester. You will enjoy a wonderful three-course meal in the city, and the after-dinner entertainment will be provided by the IMS President Anne Rowe, and our Society Patron, the acclaimed actress Annette Badland.


Christmas Lecture – ‘The Unicorn: Summoning Marian Taylor’


In this lecture Dr Rob Hardy (Henan Normal University, China) will discuss female agency, power and the gothic in Murdoch's The Unicorn, and will be followed by a Q&A. A treat for the festive season! The lecture is free for Society members, £5 for all others. Zoom link to be sent 24 hours before the lecture.

Free – £5.00

‘Iris Murdoch and Dame Julian of Norwich’, Prof. Anne Rowe

Cloisters, Bishop Otter Campus

Professor Anne Rowe (University of Chichester) will explore the literary and theological links between the novelist and philosopher Iris Murdoch and the medieval mystic Julian of Norwich.

Iris Murdoch: Birthday Lecture


Much of our conception of the relationship between Iris Murdoch and John Bayley, happily married for over forty years, comes from Bayley's memoirs, and the Oscar-winning film adaptation of the first, Iris (2001). But what do we know of their life together outside of their public appearances and international travel?

Free – £5.00

Guided Walking Tour of Chichester

Market Cross, Chichester Market Cross, Chichester, United Kingdom

A free walking tour of the city, provided by accredited local guides, starting at the Market Cross in Chichester's centre, by the Cathedral.


End of Conference Celebratory Meal

The George & Dragon Inn 51 North St, Chichester, United Kingdom

To celebrate the end of the conference we have organised an evening at the George and Dragon Tavern in the city.
