Editorial Preface for the Iris Murdoch Review, issue 15

Editorial Preface for the Iris Murdoch Review, issue 15

23 October 2024By Miles LeesonBlog

Whilst each issue celebrates new publications and events, the variety is heightened this year with the focus on Murdoch’s love of conviviality and, especially, beermats. Originally planned for publication as a standalone work on this subject, we are delighted that we were able to include the majority of pieces here. The inclusion of these, and so many other wonderful articles and reviews, makes this 15th edition of the Review the most expansive yet.

The Iris Murdoch Review, No. 14 – Editorial Preface

The Iris Murdoch Review, No. 14 – Editorial Preface

21 September 2023By Frances WhiteBlog

The influence and impact of Iris Murdoch’s work is increasing exponentially each year and the Iris Murdoch Review likewise seems to grow with each issue. This edition contains a wide-ranging collection of essays, reviews and reports variously connected by specific features. We begin with celebrations of Murdoch at home and abroad, then move on to America, art, philosophy and literature – specifically by women writers: a set of topics that encapsulates Murdoch’s life of working, writing and travelling.

‘Iris Murdoch Today’ Series

‘Iris Murdoch Today’ Series

24 May 2021By Miles LeesonBlog

The Research Centre at Chichester was delighted to announce the start of a new working relationship with Palgrave Macmillan; an open-ended project entitled ‘Iris Murdoch Today’ that will produce two books a year (monographs and edited collections) overseen by myself and the Deputy Director of the Centre, Frances White.