Editorial Preface for the Iris Murdoch Review, issue 15

Editorial Preface for the Iris Murdoch Review, issue 15

23 October 2024By Miles LeesonBlog

Whilst each issue celebrates new publications and events, the variety is heightened this year with the focus on Murdoch’s love of conviviality and, especially, beermats. Originally planned for publication as a standalone work on this subject, we are delighted that we were able to include the majority of pieces here. The inclusion of these, and so many other wonderful articles and reviews, makes this 15th edition of the Review the most expansive yet.

Essays on Ethics and Culture

Essays on Ethics and Culture

8 November 2022By Sabina LovibondBlog

This collection includes four essays dealing directly with the writings of Iris Murdoch and reflecting work of my own from the years 2015-20. The essays in question are ‘The Varieties of Attention’ (not previously published but presented to a conference at Queen Mary, University of London in 2017), ‘The Elusiveness of the Ethical: From Murdoch to Diamond’, ‘Post-Existentialist Moments: Murdoch and Highsmith’, and ‘Iris Murdoch and the Quality of Consciousness’.

The latest Iris Murdoch Review, no. 13 (2022)

The latest Iris Murdoch Review, no. 13 (2022)

30 September 2022By Miles LeesonBlog

The 2022 Iris Murdoch Review places Murdoch in dialogue with contemporary novelists and philosophers whose views put her beliefs into sharp relief and develop conversations that have been ongoing since Murdoch’s centenary in 2019.

‘Iris Murdoch Today’ Series

‘Iris Murdoch Today’ Series

24 May 2021By Miles LeesonBlog

The Research Centre at Chichester was delighted to announce the start of a new working relationship with Palgrave Macmillan; an open-ended project entitled ‘Iris Murdoch Today’ that will produce two books a year (monographs and edited collections) overseen by myself and the Deputy Director of the Centre, Frances White.