Re-reading early Murdoch: The Unicorn

Re-reading early Murdoch: The Unicorn

17 April 2024By Elizabeth WhittomeBlog

The Unicorn is immediately a kind of frame narrative: a train story itself, which begins with an arrival at a remote railway station and ends with our two narrative guides departing ‘as the express carried them away across the central plain’, leaving behind the dramatic story of Hannah Crean-Smith, the unicorn of the novel’s title.

‘A Resolute Reading of Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals’, Evgenia Mylonaki and Megan Laverty

‘A Resolute Reading of Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals’, Evgenia Mylonaki and Megan Laverty

9 February 2023By Megan LavertyBlog

We met at a previous Iris Murdoch conference. We both had papers at the conference, in 2019. We discovered that we share a mutual love of Murdoch as a philosopher and that there was some kinship and affinity in the themes of our papers and so we came up with the proposal to read something by Murdoch that is challenging to read on your own. Thus, we set out to read Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals together.

The latest Iris Murdoch Review, no. 13 (2022)

The latest Iris Murdoch Review, no. 13 (2022)

30 September 2022By Miles LeesonBlog

The 2022 Iris Murdoch Review places Murdoch in dialogue with contemporary novelists and philosophers whose views put her beliefs into sharp relief and develop conversations that have been ongoing since Murdoch’s centenary in 2019.