Editorial Preface for the Iris Murdoch Review, issue 15

Editorial Preface for the Iris Murdoch Review, issue 15

23 October 2024By Miles LeesonBlog

Whilst each issue celebrates new publications and events, the variety is heightened this year with the focus on Murdoch’s love of conviviality and, especially, beermats. Originally planned for publication as a standalone work on this subject, we are delighted that we were able to include the majority of pieces here. The inclusion of these, and so many other wonderful articles and reviews, makes this 15th edition of the Review the most expansive yet.

Obituary: Barbara Stevens Heusel

Obituary: Barbara Stevens Heusel

4 June 2024By Heather RobbinsBlog

Barbara Stevens Heusel, who founded the Iris Murdoch Society in Manhattan in 1986, passed away peacefully on Friday, May 10, 2024, at her home in Tallahassee, Florida. She had lived there since retiring in 2005 as Professor of English Emerita at Northwest Missouri State University and is survived by her husband, Dennis Moore.

BSH Fund Fellow 2023 – Camille Braune

BSH Fund Fellow 2023 – Camille Braune

20 October 2022By Camille BrauneBlog

My research is part of the continuity, renewal and improvement of Franco-British studies on Iris Murdoch to date, in a common literary, philosophical, and ethical movement. My thesis intends to propound a new ethics of attention to language as a singular moral project, which Murdoch intuited in her first writings.